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My Emily Dickinson by Susan Howe

One Long Black Sentence by Renee Gladman

Revelations of Divine Love by Julian of Norwich

Crossings by Chuang Hua

No-No Boy by John Okada

Alt-Nature by Saretta Morgan

Treatise on the Whole-World by Édouard Glissant

Pamela: A Novel by Pamela Lu

Partisan of Things by Francis Ponge

The Gorgeous Nothings by Emily Dickinson


Penury by Myung Mi Kim

Ice by Anna Kaven

Autoportrait by Édouard Levé

England's Green by Zaffar Kunial

Ordinary Notes by Christina Sharpe

Information Desk by Robyn Schiff

The Weather by Lisa Robertston

The Book of Light by Lucille Clifton

Casting Deep Shade by C.D. Wright

World'd Too Much by Russell Atkins


The Vertical Interrogation of Strangers by Bhanu Kapil

On Walking On by Cole Swensen

Cold Enough for Snow by Jessica Au

The Emigrants by W.G. Sebald

Some Girls Walk Into The Country They Are From by Sawako Nakayasu

Plans for Sentences by Renee Gladman

Steal Away: Selected and New Poems by C.D. Wright

The Years by Annie Ernaux

The Water Statues by Fleur Jaeggy

Black Aliveness, or A Poetics of Being by Kevin Quashie



Commons by Myung Mi Kim

Second Place by Rachel Cusk

Sleeping with the Dictionary by Harryette Mullen

Words as Grain: New and Selected Poems by Duo Duo

The Blue Clerk: Ars Poetica in 59 Versos by Dionne Brand

In the Murmurs of the Rotten Carcass Economy by Daniel Borzutzky

The Complete Works of Alberto Caeiro by Fernando Pessoa

Attack of the Difficult Poems: Essays and Inventions by Charles Bernstein

Dictée by Theresa Hak Kyung Cha

The Land at the End of the World by António Lobo Antunes


Untold Night and Day by Bae Suah

Killing Kanoko/Wild Grass on the Riverbank by Hiromi Itō

Nicole Brossard: Selections by Nicole Brossard

How to Wash a Heart by Bhanu Kapil

If Not, Winter: Fragments of Sappho by Anne Carson

The White Castle by Orhan Pamuk

DMZ Colony by Don Mee Choi

Austerlitz by W.G. Sebald

The Original 1939 Notebook of a Return to the Native Land by Aimé Césaire

The Sea and Poison by Shūsaku Endō


Love in the New Millennium by Can Xue

Autobiography of Death by Kim Hyesoon

Belladonna by Daša Drndić

The Beauty of the Husband by Anne Carson

Territory of Light by Yuko Tsushima

The Faculty of Dreams by Sara Stridsberg

Whereas by Layli Long Soldier

Insurrecto by Gina Apostol

States of the Body Produced By Love by Nisha Ramayya

Wayward Lives, Beautiful Experiments by Saidiya Hartman

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